Thoughts by Jikae

words/thoughts/ramblings….all part of the journey.

Part II

Alright, so here I go, entry number 2. Today, I went to my friend Johns house and we were thinking of ideas for a comic book that he was creating for his class. Background info; he’s a high school art teacher and he is quite creative. And since art is a required class at his school to graduate, he tries to make it as fun as possible. So, for one of the projects, they’re going to create a comic book using social issues. The last class did a comic using pirates, as in pirates of the carribean pirates to illustrate on the present day Somali pirates. We watched Zombieland and the Battlestar Galactica tv movie to garner ideas, not necessarily using a zombie or science fiction theme. Hopefully, it’ll be a fun subject that in the end, the kids get excited to do it.

Well, the reason I bring it up is because John knows that I want to become a writer and using this project, I can hone my skills as a creative writer and use it as part of my resume. Perhaps. More info as the project gets underway. Currently, it’s in development for a possible April/May release. We’ll see.

I didn’t get any personal script writing done. In fact, I haven’t written since last Friday. This usually happens, I’d go for days, sometimes weeks on end without even touching my script; though I do tend to map it out in my head or constantly think about it. So, that’s another reason I started this blog. To get myself to be continually writing so that it comes natural. Though this isn’t necessarily creative writing, it is writing nevertheless.

So, a certain friend; no, aquaintance from church posted something interesting on Facebook today. Without going into detail on who it was or what happened, (mainly because I can only go on what was written on the status update) it got me thinking. When you send a personal message to the opposite sex when the two of you aren’t that close, is that considered “creepy”? Granted, I do have to include that the message was pretty “pointless, like a ‘hey, how are you”. Just thinking about it, it does come off as a little strange, maybe even weird, but creepy? I guess to me, it would depend on who wrote it. There are some people (ugly-unattractive people) that no matter what they do, it comes off as creepy. If an unattractive guy did said “hey, how you doing?” to a random female, chances are, the girl is probably going to knee him in the balls and call the cops or something. If Brad Pitt or someone of his stature did the same thing, she’ll probably swoon and scream in delight. Why the double standard? Granted, it’s the same for us guys. If an unattractive female started rubbing her hands over me, it’ll be a little uncomfortable, whereas a sports illustrated model did the same; Jizz in my pants. Or something like that. (jk). But seriously, why are we like that. Are we really that shallow as humans that attractiveness gets you that much farther. Adding upon that arguement, while I was at john’s house, we were watching tv when Forrest Whitaker(sp?) came on. He’s the black actor with the funky eye. How is he able to continue to find work in an industry dominated by looks? Even Danny Trejo, the Hispanic actor in alot of movies based in Mexico/Los Angeles; though he looks all crazy, is still a releatively good looking fella. Oh well.

Nothing makes sense anymore.

Feb 2, 2010. 12:20am

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